After everything is nice and secure, mount the computer side panel and screw it back into place. You are now ready to test your installation. Turn on the computer and the system should recognize the new drive, assign a drive letter, and you’re off! Congratulations, you just installed your hard drive.

One last thing to do if you are so inclined would be to partition your hard drive. A hard drive partition is a way to cut up your available storage into more manageable parts for better organization. An example would be if you had a 1TB hard drive (1000 Gb) you could partition it into two 500gb hard drive or even four 250gb hard drives. Each partition is assigned their own hard drive name, and for most purpose is considered by the computer as a separate device.


For a Windows computer, you can partition your hard drive using the Disk partition console which can be found in your settings. For a Mac, use the disk utility application which can be found in the application folder.