Over the course of a few decades, computers have integrated themselves into every aspect of our lives. We increasingly rely on their ability to store and relay information. This also means there is an almost limitless need for storage space as photos, videos, music, books and documents of all sorts become digitized.

hardv drive closeup

Today’s smart phones have more computing power and storage as top of the line desktops from the early 1990s. In fact, most can hold 16 to 64 times the amount of information held in IBM’s first gigabyte hard drive (1000mb) which was produced 35 years ago, weighed a mere 550lbs, was roughly the size of a refrigerator and cost $40,000.

external hard drive

While capacity, speed and power have made great strides, so too have prices improved. Increasing the storage space of your laptop or desktop has become an affordable upgrade. Furthermore, modular designs make this type of upgrade easy to accomplish. With basic tools and a few tips, you can do this yourself.

At Reboot DIY, we will show you how easy and stress free this can be.